SENOR TECH is a leading POS (Point-Of-Sale) solution provider since establishment in 1990. SENOR understands the critical needs of reliability systems in hospitality, retail business and even harsher industrial environments; therefore SENOR is always committed to provide the POS system with the best performance and to ensure the instant customer services to our global partners and end-users.
SENOR has a sophisticated design team of POS hardware in Taiwan. The SENOR's "ROBOT POS" is the first all-in-one POS Terminal launched to the worldwide market in 1999. This release has leaded the trend from traditional check-out machine to a new innovati
詢價 ST TYN408G 數量40個.. | 徐** | 11/01 |
星喬POS收銀機 雙螢幕觸碰式主機 | 王** | 09/11 |
詢價 連續報表紙 | 陳** | 09/10 |
華新麗華PVC線材詢價 | 陳** | 08/12 |
請問室內月租車位價格 | 張** | 07/14 |
DX1001錫煙過濾器 | 訾** | 06/14 |
詢價螢幕&觸控螢幕 | 林** | 05/15 |
AFM探針詢價 請報價 | 劉** | 04/10 |
鍍金導電探針詢問 | 范** | 03/01 |
APC UPS BV650-TW 使用.. | 陳** | 01/10 |
賣家- 搶商機
詢價 ST TYN408G 數量40個 價格與交期
來自:企OO工 詢價
來自:雲OO技OO化OO楊OO老OO驗O 詢價
詢價 防雷極ft-30 3kva ups
來自:冠OO資OO程O 詢價
宜騰科技股份有限公司本公司成立於 1998 年,為一專業的多媒體的研發製造商