Auria Solar, founded in Oct. 2007, is a company pioneering in research, development, and production of micromorph thin-film solar modules. With its own innovations and state-of-the-art technologies, Auria Solar has been able to produce modules with stabilized 120W output power and 9% conversion efficiency from its superior production line, and more than 20 patents already have been filed for these world-class high-efficiency modules. The objectives of Auria Solar is to routinely produce 10% stabilized efficiency modules by 2010 and to reach the target of the grid-parity
永正行有限公司主要代理銷售日本藪田產業株式會社製酒設備、藪田式壓濾機、食品殺菌 設備、
HPLC的標準品2件,meranzin.. | 邱** | 10/15 |
報價及提供說明書 | 黃** | 08/23 |
CR2016纽扣电池遥控器蜡烛灯电子产.. | 梅** | 07/24 |
元晶TSEC太陽能電池G1電池需求 | 湯** | 06/26 |
詢價 TOTAL | M**g** | 05/27 |
智能型電力啟動系統 | 李** | 04/01 |
詢柴油堆高機電池 | 劉** | 02/20 |
詢問電子級硫酸的價格 | 吳** | 11/26 |
詢價 追日系統 | 蘇** | 08/07 |
關於啞光電鍍產品的諮詢 | 孫** | 07/20 |
賣家- 搶商機
來自:儒OO造OO有OO司 詢價
詢價 防雷極ft-30 3kva ups
來自:冠OO資OO程O 詢價
乾式接頭 以下需求報價
來自:久OO學OO股OO限OO 詢價