松荷科技是一家專業無線模組供應商及製造商, 主要產品為NXP ZigBee 模組, WiFi模組。我們有豐富的Bluetooth, ZigBee 以及WiFi 的經驗。可提供相關技術諮詢及討論, 希望透過我們的協助,可以和我們的客戶達到雙贏的策略。Meshreen was been founding and base on a team with great experience on Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiFi.We work on this marketing more than 7 years and see it's growing year by year.As per our experience, we would like to assist our customers to make good products and creat win-win business.Our company name "Meshreen" means mesh your green network for the green earth.If you have the same goal with us; please do not hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to seeing your messages.
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賣家- 搶商機
focus on grammar 3 wordbook
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詢價單:SNAGIT 軟體授權
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